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Work Permits in Ireland


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There are 9 types of employment permits available, depending on individual circumstances. Since September 2016 Employment Permit applications have been made available online.

Non EEA nationals who are registered and studying in Ireland on a stamp 2 may do limited work while studying.  This is limited to 20 hours a week during term time and 40 hours during holiday periods. These do not require a work permit.  Similarly, Accountancy students on a stamp 1A and graduates of Irish third level colleges on a 1G stamp do not require a work permit to work full time, but there are restrictions on the duration of these VISAs. See our VISA page for more information.

General Work Permit

This is to allow for or occupations experiencing a skills shortage. An employer must submit evidence that a labour market needs test has been carried out. The minimum salary level is currently €30,000. (This is reduced to €27,000 for recent graduates under certain conditions, for posts on the Highly Skilled list or for roles requiring a foreign language fluency). A general work permit is not available for certain ineligible categories of employment.  The processing fees start from €500 for up to 6 months or €1,000 for up to 2 years.

Critical Skills Work Permit

This type of Work Permit is aimed at encouraging highly skilled workers to take up employment in Ireland with a view to becoming resident. The main categories are for IT professionals, engineers, technologists and certain medical professionals. The processing fee for a critical skills work permit is €1,000.

In order to qualify for a Critical Skills Work Permit, the salary level must be over €30,000 for a restricted number of occupations. If the salary is over €60,000, the restricted categories do not apply and any profession will be considered. Applicants in this category must have a degree or a certain level of expertise in their field. The job offer must also be for a minimum of 2 years.

In general, you will be expected to remain with the same company for a minimum of 1 year. This can be reviewed in the case of exceptional circumstances or if you are made redundant.

One advantage of this type of permit is that permit holders can apply immediately for their family to come to Ireland. Once their spouse / partner / dependents are resident in Ireland, they can also apply for a work permit which is currently free of charge.

When you have completed the duration of your Critical Skills Employment Permit, you can then apply for residency. This will allow you to work without needing any further permit.

The critical skills that come under this category are reviewed from time to time in line with market trends.

Dependent / Partner / Spouse Work Permit

This type of Work Permit is aimed at supporting the attraction to Ireland of workers eligible for the critical skills permits. There is no charge for this type of work permit. In general, you will be expected to remain with the same company for a minimum of 1 year.

A full list of eligible occupations for the Critical Skills Permit and further information can be found here:

It is important to note that an employment permit is not a residence permit. It is a legal requirement that all non-EEA nationals who have a work permit register with the Garda National Immigration Bureau. You should do this as soon as possible on arrival since delays in registering can affect long term residency or citizenship applications. Where necessary, you should renewed your VISA at least 1 month before expiry date to ensure your residence in the state remains lawful.

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There are 9 types of employment permits available, depending on individual circumstances. Since September 2016 Employment Permit applications have been made available online.

Non EEA nationals who are registered and studying in Ireland on a stamp 2 may do limited work while studying.  This is limited to 20 hours a week during term time and 40 hours during holiday periods. These do not require a work permit.  Similarly, Accountancy students on a stamp 1A and graduates of Irish third level colleges on a 1G stamp do not require a work permit to work full time, but there are restrictions on the duration of these VISAs. See our VISA page for more information.

General Work Permit

This is to allow for or occupations experiencing a skills shortage. An employer must submit evidence that a labour market needs test has been carried out. The minimum salary level is currently €30,000. (This is reduced to €27,000 for recent graduates under certain conditions, for posts on the Highly Skilled list or for roles requiring a foreign language fluency). A general work permit is not available for certain ineligible categories of employment.  The processing fees start from €500 for up to 6 months or €1,000 for up to 2 years.

Critical Skills Work Permit

This type of Work Permit is aimed at encouraging highly skilled workers to take up employment in Ireland with a view to becoming resident. The main categories are for IT professionals, engineers, technologists and certain medical professionals. The processing fee for a critical skills work permit is €1,000.

In order to qualify for a Critical Skills Work Permit, the salary level must be over €30,000 for a restricted number of occupations. If the salary is over €60,000, the restricted categories do not apply and any profession will be considered. Applicants in this category must have a degree or a certain level of expertise in their field. The job offer must also be for a minimum of 2 years.

In general, you will be expected to remain with the same company for a minimum of 1 year. This can be reviewed in the case of exceptional circumstances or if you are made redundant.

One advantage of this type of permit is that permit holders can apply immediately for their family to come to Ireland. Once their spouse / partner / dependents are resident in Ireland, they can also apply for a work permit which is currently free of charge.

When you have completed the duration of your Critical Skills Employment Permit, you can then apply for residency. This will allow you to work without needing any further permit.

The critical skills that come under this category are reviewed from time to time in line with market trends.

Dependent / Partner / Spouse Work Permit

This type of Work Permit is aimed at supporting the attraction to Ireland of workers eligible for the critical skills permits. There is no charge for this type of work permit. In general, you will be expected to remain with the same company for a minimum of 1 year.

A full list of eligible occupations for the Critical Skills Permit and further information can be found here:

It is important to note that an employment permit is not a residence permit. It is a legal requirement that all non-EEA nationals who have a work permit register with the Garda National Immigration Bureau. You should do this as soon as possible on arrival since delays in registering can affect long term residency or citizenship applications. Where necessary, you should renewed your VISA at least 1 month before expiry date to ensure your residence in the state remains lawful.

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